
Schema Markup: 4 Tools to Stand Out in Search

by | Aug 7, 2019 | SEO

Are you struggling with creating schema markup for your website? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! In this article, I’ll introduce you to four amazing schema markup generators that anyone can use to enhance the attractiveness of their website. But first, let’s understand what schema markup is and why it’s important.

Schema markup consists of tags and data that you add to your website. This helps search engines like Google to better understand, interpret, and display your website content on their search engine result pages. By using schema markup generators, you can easily create the correct syntax and structure for your markup, reducing the chances of making mistakes.

Now, you might be wondering, why should you bother adding schema markup to your website? Well, here’s the answer: It helps your website stand out in search results, especially if it’s already ranking well. According to Google, when they have a clearer understanding of your page data through schema markup, they can present it more attractively and in new ways on their search engine.

Who wouldn’t want their website to be presented attractively and in fresh ways, right? However, keep in mind that schema markup is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to improving your website’s appearance in search results. If you’re new to SEO, it’s better to start by focusing on other important aspects like creating great content, ensuring easy navigation, completing meta tags, and implementing internal linking.

Once you have those areas covered, you can then move on to addressing schema markup. However, please remember that schema markup alone won’t directly impact your website’s ranking.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of schema markup generators and add that extra touch of attractiveness to your website today!

Steve Ferrino’s Local Business Schema Generator

Follow the steps below to create and add local business schema markup to your website.

Screenshot of local business schema markup generator.

Please note that Steve’s tool is appropriately named, as it will only generate Local Business Schema types. If you need other types, checkout the other tools listed below.

  1. Visit Steve’s Local Business Schema Generator, and select the Local Business Schema Generator from the navigation.
  2. Completely fill in the form with accurate business information, including the Business Type field. If you are unsure of a field, don’t fill it out, just leave it blank.
  3. Once the form is completed, a snippet of code will automagically generate in the Output Type field. Copy the JSON-LD output and add it to your website’s header, footer, or after the closing body tag. If your business has multiple locations, make sure to create unique code for each location page.
  4. Finally, test the URL! To test the URL, use Google’s Rich Results Test.

JD Flynn’s JSON-LD Schema Markup Generator

This schema markup generator can be used to create all types of structured data markup in the form of JSON-LD that can be added to your site. Follow the steps below to get started.

Screenshot of J.D. Flynn's schema markup generator.
  1. Visit J.D. Flynn’s Schema Script Generator to generate the JSON-LD script based on the form fields you complete.
  2. Select the appropriate markup type and complete the fields that appear based on the markup type. Make sure to accurately fill in every field.
  3. Copy the generated markup, after the form is complete, and paste that code into the header or footer of your website.
  4. Remember to test the URL. To test the URL, use Google’s Rich Results Test.

Technical SEO Tools by Merkle

My favorite tool to generate schema markup is Merkle’s Schema Markup Generator. It gives you a lot of flexibility for all different types of structured data. There’s even a test link in the top right of the code generator so you can quickly test the markup.

Screenshot of merkle schema markup generator.

Follow the steps below to generate local business schema and much more.

  1. Visit Merkle’s Schema Markup Generator and begin filling out the form. Again, make sure that the information is accurate.
  2. Upon completing the form, copy your markup and save it, so you don’t lose it. Then add It to your website.
  3. Lastly, test the URL. To test the URL, you can use the icons in the top right of the tool, which directly links to Google’s Rich Results Test.

Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper

This is our least favorite schema markup generator as it is the most complicated to use. My recommendation is to use one of the other 3 tools listed above. However, for those technically savvy enough, this tool works well.

Screenshot of Google schema markup helper.

Google’s markup help works differently as you will have to tag or label the different elements on your web page so that Google can better understand what it is. Follow the steps below to create your structured data markup.

Screenshot of json schema markup generator.
  1. Login to the Structured Data Markup Helper. This tool required a Google account. ????????‍♂️ The Help Center article offers instructions on how to mark up the different elements on your web page.
  2. Enter the URL of the web page and select a data type like Local Business.
  3. Begin tagging the data associated with each field found on your website. For example, tag your business phone number with the phone number field. Accuracy is key in this step. Even if you tag only take a few items, it is better those items be correct than to tag multiple items incorrectly.
  4. Once you have finished tagging all the items on your web page, click on the Create HTML button in the top right.

The next page will show you your structured data as JSON-LD Markup that you can copy and paste to your website. Of course, test the URL using Google’s Rich Results Test.

Schema Markup Generators

Remember, there is no direct evidence that adding schema markup to your website will affect your search rankings. However, having rich, attractive snippets do make your web page stand out in the search engine results (SERP). And having improved visibility online will lead to more clicks to your website.

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