Thanksgiving Marketing Ideas: 3 Ways to Contribute to Your Community
Turkey day is coming up, which means tons of exciting deals for your customers to gobble up. The only problem is which Thanksgiving marketing ideas you will use. These ideas can help to engage your audience’s interests and get them to shop with you during the holiday marketing season.
We’ve created a list of thanksgiving marketing ideas that will help you create a marketing plan that you can use this Thanksgiving season and the next one. Read on now, and don’t miss out on stuffing the turkey with tons of incentives and deals that are better than holiday dressing.
Thanksgiving marketing ideas are most effective when you plan ahead. For example, below are several questions to address before you execute the ideas.
Common Thanksgiving Marketing Questions
Unfortunately, many small businesses don’t coordinate their marketing campaigns with a holiday schedule or event calendar. If you are, keep up the good work. For those who are not, here are common Thanksgiving Marketing questions we encounter.
When to Act On Thanksgiving Marketing Ideas
You should plan 2-3 months ahead, so start in September or October. Several of the following Thanksgiving marketing ideas require you to plan ahead and notify your community weeks ahead in order for them to be effective. Set a reminder today to start your Turkey Day marketing in September.
What to Post on Social Networks for Thanksgiving
Think about posting to social media different messages and blog posts about your upcoming plans for Thanksgiving. Remember, to try entertain and provide valuable insights before you sell. And remember to send 2-3 reminders of events.
How to Send Email Reminders for Thanksgiving Promotions
Notify your email list at least 1 month ahead of time of any promotions your business if offering. If possible give your email subscribers an exclusive offering. This gives those who are not subscribers a reason to join your mailing list.
Now let’s get into the 3 Thanksgiving marketing ideas for your business.
1) Give Away Food
One of the best parts of Thanksgiving, hands down, is the food that family and friends gather around the table to consume. If you want to gain reoccurring customers, hosting a Thanksgiving dinner giveaway is one way to do this.

This will not only allow you to engage your local followers, but it also means you increase your number of subscribers. This is the number of people that follow your social media accounts in the future in hopes of winning another one of your giveaways.
If you’re going to host a dinner giveaway, you can further your community outreach by partnering with one of the restaurants in the area. While you’re marketing the dinner, you can also use this time to market some of the other dinners that are offered by the restaurant providing the giveaway meal.
2) Use Themed/Personalized Content
The holiday season is unlike any other season. This means you have more opportunities to provide themed content for your followers.
We recommend reviewing your products and ensuring the content you choose to create aligns with the things you’re offering.
For example, if you’re an exercise company, your content can center around providing turkey day-themed exercises. Or you can post healthier recipes that can be used in place of the traditional Thanksgiving ones.
You can also go one step further and create personalized content that will make followers want to engage with it. For example, you can ask your followers to comment on the things they’re most thankful for during Thanksgiving.
3) Host a Charity Drive
Not everyone is as fortunate as others during the holiday season, which makes it the perfect time to host a charity drive. Before the season is upon us, ensure you inform your customers and followers that your company will host a charity drive this year.
What makes this one of the most effective Thanksgiving marketing ideas, is the connection to your local community. Yes, it is still marketing, but make sure you make it all about your community. The objective here is to have an impact. Ensure you provide them with the guidelines of the charity drive and the items you’ll accept during this time.
Just a Sample of Thanksgiving Marketing Ideas
These are just a few Thanksgiving marketing ideas that as a local business owner you can try. From hosting a charity drive, to creating a themed event calendar for your customers to engage with. All of these ideas bring attention and engagement to your local small business.
Do you have any Thanksgiving Marketing ideas? Have you tried something that we didn’t cover? Send us a note on our contact page! For more tips, tools, and marketing help to help subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on LinkedIn.